Ressources et utilitaires

Scoring systems for ICU and surgical patients:

Glasgow Coma Score

Eyes open Best verbal response Best motor response*
Spontaneously (4)
To speech (3)
To pain (2)
None (1)
Orientated (5)
Confused (4)
Inappropriate words (3)
Incomprehensible sounds (2)
None (1)
Obeys commands (6)
Localizes pain (5)
Withdraws to pain (4)
Flexion (abnormal) to pain (3)
Extension to pain (2)
Glasgow coma scale =
*Original description of Glasgow Coma Scale (see first reference) did not distinguish "Flexion (abnormal) to pain (3 points)" and "Withdraws to pain (4 points)". Consequently, maximum score for Best motor response was 5 and maximum score for Glasgow Coma Scale was 14. Description of actual Glasgow Coma Scale first (?) appears in second reference.
