Ressources et utilitaires

Scoring systems for ICU and surgical patients:

Paediatric Coma Scale (Simpson & Reilly ) 

Eyes open Best verbal response Best motor response
Spontaneously (4)
To speech (3)
To pain (2)
None (1)
Orientated (5)
Words (4)
Vocal sounds (3)
Cries (2)
None (1)
Obeys command (5)
Localizes pain (4)
Flexion to pain (3)
Extension to pain (2)
None (1)
Total =

Adjustment to age

Normal aggregate score

0-6 months: 9
> 6 - 12 months: 11
> 1 - 2 years : 12
>2 - 5 years: 13
> 5 years: 14
